School began the first week in August. Because I was gone a year, I was given a new position at Faith. I am now assisting high school study hall, and am a homeroom instructor. I am enjoying this new position because I get to work with high school students and I am finding out that they are very different from elementary students, and are a whole lot of fun.
These are my amazing homeroom girls. I have nine girls who meet with me once a week. This is a time to discuss school and spiritual related subjects in a small group setting. This is where the real heart to heart discussions can happen.
The entire High School went on the High School Retreat to Rizal Re-creation Center. I was co-counselor in a cabin with nine freshmen girls. Five of the girls were former students of mine when they were in elementary school. I enjoyed being with them and was happy to see all of them speak almost perfect English now. I was also discussion leader for another group of girls. Getting to spend time with all these girls was a high point of my time here at Faith. It was a busy three days. The students played all kinds of games, both indoors and out, with the classes striving to win the most points. In the end the seniors won, and get to have an extra non-uniform day.
Most importantly, these three days provided a time for worship and learning about how with God they can do hard things. The speaker communicated well with the students, and I was pleased that the girls in my discussion group were truly thinking about the message and how they can apply it to their lives, and learn to trust God more. One particularly meaningful session was about prayer. Seven or eight tables were set up with different “activities” for prayer. For example, one had pictures and information about different cultural groups from many places in the world, and students were encouraged to pick a culture and pray for those people. Another table asked students to find a person they didn’t know well, and pray for each other. The prayer service proved to be a powerful event, and left the students talking and thinking about prayer and what God can do. One student was so moved by the prayer activities that he gave his heart to the Lord that evening.
Although most of our students are children of missionaries it is easy to forget is that Faith Academy is a mission field as well. Children must make a personal decision to follow the Lord. In addition to the student who gave his heart to the Lord during the prayer service, several other students made that decision at this retreat. The spirit of God was at work in a very obvious way.